Tuesday, November 6, 2012

38 Weeks

Our appointment last week was a lot less uneventful than the previous week. My blood pressure and swelling was WAY down and the doctor said my "clinical presentation was much better". Awesome. So she told me she'd see me back on Thursday but that she had a feeling that I was going to be seeing her sooner rather than later.

I was having a pretty good week until today, when I woke up with a headache. It felt more like a sinus headache because it was just above my left eye, but I decided to call because she told me to call if I had any sign of anything like that. I called from work, and of course they wanted to see me right away. So, I went in and saw the midwife, Kim. Everything checked out well with my blood pressure and swelling and Kim decided I probably just had a headache. I agreed. She did exam me to see what baby girl was doing and that's when it got exciting! Baby girl is engaged, and I am 80% effaced and 3 cm dilated! WAHOO!

I went back for another NST and baby was great. Before I left, Kim went to let my doctor know how I was doing and the doctor came in and got me. She wanted to check and see what the baby was doing too, and once again, we went through the how do you feel about having a baby today talk. Unfortunately, I got my Lovenox injection last night at 9 so today was a no go. She said I am "definitely a time bomb" and that I needed to go home and chill until I am induced on Thursday morning. I AM SO EXCITED!!!! :) :) They are going to break my water Thursday morning and see what I do on my own before doing the other induction things. I am glad I get to try and labor a bit on my own without lots of interventions from the get go!! EEE! I can't wait!

Here's my update for this week:

How far along? 38 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain: Up 36 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yes!!!
Stretch marks? Nope! I made it!
Sleep: Sleep isn't happening anymore. The last two weeks have been a little difficult in terms of getting comfy. I have been sleeping on the couch or in Adam's recliner. I can only sleep sitting up :) I feel like a grandma!
Best Moment This Week: Walking through the mall this week thinking about how this was one of the last times that I'd be able to do something on my own without thinking about my little one. I was so overwhelmed with excitement thinking about how my life is going to change in such an amazing way.
Miss Anything? Being able to breath and sleep in my bed. Not too much longer of things to miss...
Movement: Yes! She is rolling all over the place
Food cravings: Nothing really! 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Girl!!
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks and all the fun things that are physically going on with me to let me know labor is near!
Symptoms: Headache and fatigue
Belly Button in or out? FLAT and icky looking!!!
 Wedding rings on or off? Off...I hope they'll be able to fit again some day!
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy! Excited! A little scared :)
Looking forward to: Holding my baby, seeing what she looks like, and kissing her cheeks in 2 days!!! :) AHHHHH! hehehe

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