Monday, September 3, 2012

29 Weeks & Updates

I can hardly believe we are 11 weeks from our due date! What seemed like it was taking forever now seems like it is going too fast! I had my 28 week check-up and glucose screen last Monday. Everybody I ever knew has talked about the infamous "orange drink" you get when you go for the screen. I was bracing myself for orange or fruit punch when I got a curve ball, lemon-lime!! It wasn't nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be! Tastes like a melted popsicle.

I ended up waiting a LONG time to see the doctor. I was a little nervous because the sugar rush I got from the drink made me feel a little bit sick. When they called me back they noticed my heart was racing so I got to rest in the "procedure room". I ended up getting my flu shot and blood drawn and then I got to see the doctor. Baby girl was great!! :) Her heartbeat was 141 and I am measuring 30 weeks. She said they like plus or minus 3 on the fundal height. I am so thankful baby is doing well and growing so well. 

Adam and I also got some of the nursery together this week. We hung up the mirror we bought baby girl and her dresser is starting to fill with some clothes. I love seeing Adam get excited about getting her room ready!
The dresser was my dad's and then it was Karen's. I am excited for a third generation to get some use out of it. As you can see baby girl's crib is filled with everything we don't know what to do with yet. 

Here are the updates for this week:

How far along? 29 weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: The official weight gain at the doctors office this week was 24 pounds. The doctor said I was doing great and that most of the weight I have gained is just in my belly. Hooray!
Maternity clothes? Yep!
Stretch marks? Not on the belly. My belly is getting really itchy though.
Sleep: I am so happy that I have been sleeping as well as I have. I found out I was anemic this week, so I am guessing that is why I have been a sleeping champ!
Best Moment This Week: Washing our first load of baby clothes. We have picked up somethings here and there and we were given a TON of clothes from a lady at church. I am so thankful! It was fun to wash everything and sort all the different sizes. Adam and I had a blast imagining her in some of the little outfits. 
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my belly. 
Movement: Yes! Adam and I laid in bed the other night watching her move all around. It is amazing and I know when I am not pregnant anymore that I will miss it so much!
Food cravings: Milk and my FAVORITE fall treat ever:
Caramel Apples! They were back in the store this week! WAHOO!
Anything making you queasy or sick: not really! I was feeling a bit sick this past week, but I think it had more to do with getting the flu shot than the baby. 
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Nope :)
Symptoms: Just keep getting charlie horses. I have tried milk, bananas, gatorade, walking, stretching...It's just one of those things. Other than that, I am feeling so great.
Belly Button in or out? Flat!!
 Wedding rings on or off? I have had them off and on this week. I feel like when I put them back on I am pushing my luck. I just try and take them off when I am feeling cold.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy!! 
Looking forward to: Going back to the doctor next Monday and getting more of the nursery together.


  1. I love your cute belly! Glad you made it through the test. I thought I was going to pass out when I had to take my glucose test. I'm not used to so much sugar. The nursery looks great!

  2. Thank you Carly! I was the same way, I really haven't had that much sugar :) We are having fun watching the nursery come together.
