Saturday, October 13, 2012

34 Weeks

We are getting closer and closer. This last week has been filled with so much baby fun! I had my 34 week appointment yesterday. Baby girl is growing right on track. My belly is measuring at 36 weeks and her heart rate was 145. I told the doctor that I was pretty sure at my last visit we listened to my own heart beat. She said that next time I come back in, I will get checked and we will for sure set my induction date. Given how healthy my pregnancy has been they don't need to see me back for two weeks. I am excited and scared about that all at the same time. I can't believe that no matter what happens at my next visit, baby V will be here for sure in less than a month. I'll either be induced the 8 or 12 depending on my dilation. Ahhh!

Here is my 34 week update:

How far along? 34  weeks
Total weight gain: Up 30 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep! Mom V. was in town this week and she bought me a sweater and pants to get me through these last couple weeks. I can't even say how grateful I am for warmer maternity items!! 
Stretch marks? Just little white ones on my hips.
Sleep: I am sleeping well still! I did find if I take a nap, it ruins my whole sleep schedule. I need to just go to bed at night and try not to nap during the late afternoon.
Best Moment This Week: The shower that the church had in our honor. Adam and I were completely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity that was shown to us. I will never begin to thank everyone enough for what they did for me. The baby received so many special items and I can't wait to share her with our church family.
Miss Anything? Being able to get off the couch by myself :) I got stuck twice this week. 
Movement: Yes! She is still rolling, punching, and kicking. I love it!
Food cravings: Malley's chocolate pretzel bars and milk
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Gender: Girl (we hope)! Adam heard a story at work this week about a family that thought for sure they were having a girl and it turned out to be a boy. He was super freaked out!
Labor Signs: nothing that labor is imminent. I have been a little crampy, but nothing that is a true braxton hicks contraction.
Symptoms: Swelling
Belly Button in or out? I could say what I said last week. It is flat, icky looking, and stretched in ways I never thought it would stretch. The least favorite part of my doctor's visits is that my bellybutton seems to be where they can best locate the heartbeat, and she will jam the doppler in my poor stretched out belly button as a starting point.
 Wedding rings on or off? Off :( I have been wearing them as a necklace.
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy! I have been a little emotional too! Our lives our going to change in incredible ways here in less than a month!
Looking forward to: Getting our maternity pictures back!! Adam and I had so much fun taking those this week! :)

Pictures from my church shower:

The Vodicka family was richly blessed!
Talking with the ladies at church. My belly is getting bigger!

White Cake!

Chocolate cake!

We finally got little squirts loot home! We have A LOT of thank you's to write :)

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