Saturday, June 30, 2012

20 Weeks!! Wahoo!

This week has been great! One thing is for sure, we have had record setting heat like most of the country. Baby girl and I have been staying cool by trying to go into the pool at least twice a day. I have also been a permanent fixture on our couch. It's almost too hot to want to get in the car and go anywhere. Fortunately, relief is on the way and it is supposed to rain tonight. We need rain so bad!

Please pardon my crazy hair. We took this picture this a.m. and it was still REALLY warm. Heat index made it to 98 by 12 p.m.  Anyway, on with the fun stuff!

How far along? 20 weeks today!
Total weight gain: 9 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Been rocking my maternity clothes full fledge now. I have been starting to look for things to wear when I go back to work in August. 
Stretch marks? none on my belly yet!
Sleep: Pretty good! I still get REALLY hungry in the middle of the night. But, I mainly chalk up my lack of sleep to Adam playing video games till 2:30 a.m. and baby girl having dance parties at 4 a.m. The baby has an excuse, Adam is about to get banished to the couch if he keeps staying up that late ( I kid, I kid) 
Best Moment This Week: Going to Mad Potter with my friend Hilary to paint items for our nurseries. She painted a wonderful vase type thing that could hold all kinds of baby items. I painted a piggy bank! I can't wait to see how it turns out! I think this is the first thing I have purchased for the baby. 
Miss Anything? Kona Moka's from Coffee Times. Since it has been so hot, I have wanted one SO BAD. Blue Icee's have been a so-so substitute :)
Movement: She is getting stronger and stronger. I am interested to see at my ultrasound what position she is in. Right now I feel like she is breech and is doing an Irish jig trying to get out. STRANGE feeling!
Food cravings: Chocolate chip ice cream and Fritos and dip. Apparently Adam had the same craving for Fritos  and dip too. He ate an entire bag of Fritos is three days. Guess how much I got...NONE! Guess who went back to the store for more Fritos! Hahaha 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nada!
Gender: GIRL!!!
Have you started to show yet: Cute story. There was a gentleman at Sam's Club that kept looking at me and would look away when I would notice him looking at me. I went to get a straw and napkins for Adam and I and I heard Adam saying "Yep, she is. We're having a girl!" He wanted to tell me that his wife had had a baby four months ago but he was afraid to ask me if I was pregnant. Too funny. The same thing happened at Adam's doctor's office. I am noticeably pregnant but some people are afraid to talk to me about it. I appreciate people's sensitivity. 
Labor Signs: Nope. 
Symptoms: Still just hip pain at night. I think I am going to ask about it when I go in next time. At least it only happens at night.  
Belly Button in or out? My belly button is still in, but it is creeping further and further out.
 Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy and silly! I can't help but find the joy in everything. 
Looking forward to: My mom coming to my ultrasound on July 9th!!! I am so excited to share some of my pregnancy journey with her!!!  9 more days! I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!


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